Saturday, May 14, 2011
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Chair Affair 2011 Wrap Up

The 2011 Chair Affair took place April 28th and 29th at Pioneer Place. It featured a collection of furniture based artwork being auctioned off to raise money for the Communiuty Warehouse. This was my first year to attend the event, and my first charity event to have artwork in. I don't think my piece actually sold, sigh, but it was great to be a part of the event and, I think, over all, many of the pieces were auctioned off. Theodor, featured in the photo above, was a crowd favorite. Unfortunately my only photo of him in his full furry goodness was super blurry.

As I walked around the event I started taking shots of some of the work with my little canon camera and decided I would share them here. Where possible I've added the artist name and info. If you're the artist and would like a copy of the picture at higher rez just contact me and we'll get it to you. Obviously I didn't photograph everything, if you want to see more, almost all of the pieces are viewable at the Chair Affair Website.

*Artist Unknown
This was part of a kids room table set that featured adorable children's drawing themed bugs that I think were pasted onto the surfaces and then covered with a lacquer of sorts. Unfortunately I didn't get the artist information, and I don't see this piece listed on the Chair Affair website. If anyone knows who I should credit, please let me know.

* artist unknown

* "Relax" by Tripper Dungan III more...
I enjoy the tiki styling here, but I'm not sure I would consider this a relaxing place to sit, with such large teeth so close to your ass.

* "The Pearl Graffiti Pair" by Denise Whitney Dahlke more...
I got a chance to talk briefly with Denise about this piece and how she made it. The images on the chairs are all photos she took of portland street art. She then cleaned them up, collaged them and printed them digitally onto the fabric she used to reupholster the seats on these chairs. I'm always conflicted about street art being used as pattern. While I like it visually, I worry about the lessoning of the meaning of the work taken out of the context it was originally placed in. I also think one has to consider who actually has the right to use/reuse work that is placed anonymously, or otherwise, in public spaces.

* Close up of the spinal column from "Cat's Tail" by Fredick H. Zal more...
I didn't get a good shot of the "Cat's Tail" chair in full, but the spinal cord should be a good indicator of what the rest of the chair looks like. Certainly the goth-est of the chairs at the event, and another most talked about peice amongst the crowd.

* "Chair Number 4" by Kim Short more...
I really enjoyed the simplicity of this chairs design, and was happy to see the "Sold" sign on it right at the beginning of the Friday night event.

* "Ode to Napoleon Dynamite" by Erin Ridle more...
The Napoleon chair put a smile on my face, and I think the styling overall felt very at place with Napoleon. The artist also made several keychain photo viewers featuring scenes from the movie. She makes custom photo viewers at her etsy site.

* "Looking Up" by Nely Johnson more...
I really enjoyed the line work of Nely Johnsons pieces. The weight of the seat actually seems to bear on the lady featured at the bottom of this stool. She had a second piece in the show, that I didn't fully notice till I saw the portrait winking at me from behind the bar cart door.

* "Home and Chrome" by Jan Peterson Kelley more...
This chair is unique in that it's made of mosses, and with weekly watering you can actually keep it growing.

* "If Fish Were Bigger We Would Grant Them Chair Space" Tim Combs more...

* "Happy Chair" by Amy Estrin more...
When I saw this chair, I thought I know that pattern, and this looks professionally reupholstered. Turns out both where right. Amy Estrin runs The Whole 9 Yards and has been making fancy chairs for quiet some time now.

* "Rocking Bird" by Wendy O'Brien more...
Ok... I think this chair takes the prize for the most birds ever. What you don't see in this shot are the 10 birds on wires above the chair. I'm not sure if this was an attempt at "Put a Bird On It" irony or not, but either, way it's a bit much for me.

* "Ocean Fresh" by Thomas Rude more...
So after about 3 hours of walking in a big circle, talking with the artist and patrons, and shooting photographs the night came to an end. As I took visual tally it looked like a good bit of the work had been bid on. I haven't heard yet exactly how well the Community Warehouse did but it seems well. If you were in attendance I'd love to know what you thought of the artwork and the show in general.
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