A little while back I had the pleasure of getting to know Robin Willems, aka @sunlitrobins on twitter. She's an artist who is just starting her studies at the Hauge and has a love for water colors and mixed media collage. We quickly hit it off, and decided that an art swap was in order. So I sent her a three pack of my hand screen printed pocket notebooks, some stickers, and a screen printed card. She, in turn, sent me this awesome custom water painting, that she titled "Leafy Donathon". I enjoyed the subtle washes, textures and color of the piece such that I've since framed it, and it now resides on one of my night stands.
I hope this is only the begining of our art swaps. You can get a print of "Leafy Donathon", or one of her many other great works, over at her Society6 page.
If anyone else out there is interested in a swap, hit me up!