So I haven't posted for a bit, mainly because has been getting an over haul. I've updated the site with a few design changes, added a bunch of work and created a new D.I.Y. Screen Printing section. I'm now offering hand silkscreened goodness to the masses, and for those of you who want a bit of ownership on your prints, you can now pull the actual prints. I've only listed out the most commonly asked for options but if you're interested in doing something different, or using more colors, just email me and let me know what you want!
I also wanted to introduce the new me, I've been struggling with how to draw myself lately and noticed that I was getting a wee bit to garfieldy/simpsony in my bio comics. So I've simplified the style a bit, made it match more of how I draw my other characters, and from now on you'll be seeing me drawn more like this.