Above is the last frame of "Cautionary Tales of Modern Failure Volume #1" A smoking fish. In Volume #2 we pick right up were we left off with Smokey the Fish floating in what seems to be an endless void. I've decided as I work on the art for this edition I'm going to post various elements beginning with the first, roughed out, 10 panels of the next story in the Cautionary Tales of Modern Failure series. I'm sure a lot will change from now and my self imposed deadline of October 1, 2009, and I hope that I will be posting at least weekly on the progress of this story. So with out further adieu I humbly present the first bits of "The Tortoise and the Meteorite". This story has been on my back burner for years. A while back I completed the following painting to help spur on the completion of this work. Thoughts always welcome, and if you're interested in Volume #1 you can purchase it via my Etsy store.
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