Once again I'll be attempting to show work and sell goods along with Curious Doodles @ LoveJoy Car Company in partnership with ActiveSpace and a whole slew of artist and vendors. For more info about the event check out Handmade NW
If you're in Portland swing by, we should be there from 5pm till 10pm. The flyer above was silkscreened in limited quantity of 50ty, so look around town and you might find one or two.
so how is the business side of art working out for you? have you done alright with the live shows? how about internet sales?
As for me I find that people really like seeing the art in person so they may buy a thing or two. I havent made an internet sale yet so it is quite depressing there. oi etsy has come up with nothing as of yet...
Yah internet and art is hard. I think prints are really the way to go. They are cheeper for the peep investing in the sight only sort of seen art. I've been able to make a few sales with the silkscreen t-shirts and a couple of the comics though via etsy but again I hope they move better in person.
This is my first public show in about 2 years, I tried to have one back in June and there was a mini tornado in effect that shut us down. So we'll see how it goes.
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