I need to get the NYC doodles scanned but have been playing catchup at work. I got stuck there late last night and the night prior. Last night I started doodling images from our company photo phone list.... More soon.
No sooner do I return to PDX then my allergies decide to go haywire again. It seriously feels like a cat is using the back of my throat as a scratching post...
Been pretty weak on post between being sick, entertaining guest, finishing taxes, eating to much easter dinner and playing with a new wacom tablet ( more on that later) I haven't put much time into scanning and posting. But that's not gonna change much as I'm heading back to NYC for about a week. It's been about 7 years since I lived there and just around 3 or so since my last ( very short) visit. Hopefully something looks/feels familiar... see you all in a week or so, and for those in NYC we'll be seeing you soon!